Saturday, December 26, 2009

christmas eve...!

celebration of christmas, exchange our lovely 9.30pm
6 of us sit in a silver camry car were looking where to go...finally>>
uptown kopitiam II! (the lousiest services)

anyway~before this celebration starts, we have some games and jokes, of course we also have long!:D
all of us ordered 2 glasses of drinks..cause we had talked so much, laugh so much!! the 3 sweat is with us too =.=!!! lol.
unfortunately was, wen wasn't there with us..she is busying with her tonnes of homeworks ..aisskk!! BUT we celebrated thru phone with her! ;)

well~we suppose to go back home at 11pm but then we had forgotten the the present unexpectedly at god! we feel so warm and happy that everyone has their own presents..its like all of us hav at least 3 presents o~~^^
heres our memories of 1st ime celebration on christmas eve....

GIRL: 你的礼物很美, 谢谢!
YI: 你的礼物也是很美!
our lucky star>>LIMITED EDITION HUH~

the one on the box is our camels present! its also limited edition from our future architect!=)

when i reach home, there is left my bro-in law stil drinking his wine alone cause my brother has put him aeroplane!! hahahahhaahha:D:D:D:D


Lastly, happy anniversary to camels!!:)
thank you so much!:)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

an enjoyful and warmful trip at taiwan!

it has been quite a long time i didn't update my blog and now i would like to share my happinesss to those who comes to view my blog...
may you will feel my happiness and you will feel happiness too huh! keekek````~

i was so scare that i couldn't pass the immigration area cause i was still sick in the moring on the day we depart.. taiwan is still preventing H1N1, so once they caught a person who is with red line on head the person will be isolate for a week or else they send u back to your country...arrgghhh!!! my god! i had ate 2 penadols in 6 hours times..(my very 1st time to eat it)

i was sick for like a month...pity me:(
btw, it was a nice trip for all of us either!:) huhu~!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

my birthday month! <3

MY BIRTHDAY MONTH, which is drop on NOVEMBER! and it's also brings me lucky, which is #2. Yeah! i like it!!

this year, 2009, i had spent my birthday month at Kuantan, the most happening and relaxing i decided to spend my time over my holidays(almost) hahaha!!

celebration was held before my special day at cherating with a plate of fries and a small cake in the middle of the fries... and there was a gentleman sang a birthday song for me ..hehe^^ the feeling was like *shy* and a bit *happiness*~
of course there is a cake for me too~^^

went to shopping, movies also working at quicksilver!! wow~~!! i like them!
times really fly very fast..1 month=4 weeks=28 days...and now its turn to december.
awaiting the christmas and new year!!:)

thanks my family and my friends~:)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

i'm coming to you!!

my god!! i just find out his restaurant!!

Name: Mr.J French-Italian Restaurant II
Price: Student price, not expensive
open by (Jay Chou ♥).

However, this restaurant carries a different theme.
And a very special one I can say :)
It's the Secret theme!

不能說的秘密 The Secret That Cannot Be Told, is a 2007 Taiwanese romance film.
The film has won several awards, including The 2007 44th Golden Horse Award, Best Visual Effects, The Outstanding Taiwanese Film of the Year!

The setting in this restaurant is abit simpler with a very high ceiling.
But that doesn't matter because once inside, you can relate yourself to the movie Secret.

Jay's precious piano
It says something like, "Pls dont play the piano to avoid you from going back to the past 20years-Ye Xiang Lun"

The piano!

Mr.J French-Italian Restaurant II is located at:
No.250, Wu Xing Street (beside Taipei Medical University)
Opening Hours: 11.30-22.00
Tel: (02) 2377 9090

Website: (click on the 'door' on the right side of the homepage)

Mr.J French-Italian Restaurant I locate at:
No.43, Ln. 308, Guangfu S.Rd., Da-an Dist. Taipei City
Opening Hours:
Sun-Thu: 12.00-22.00
Fri-Sat : 12.00-23.00

i'm so so happy that i have found this finally!!!:)
and i'll be upload his shop later~:)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

start to GO!!

finally!! i have done all my tests, quizes, assignments and presentations!!
now, i have to concerntrate on my exam which is start on next tuesday...and i hope it wil be fine for me..the last week of this semester! yay!!

the closest friend in inti

my mpw's groupmate

and our econs class-BLUE DAY:)

*stil thinking to drop or not to drop it*

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Kuantan BBQ night!

my sister and i went to kuantan during Deepavali! we have BBQ night on saturday and came back to KL on sunday evening:)

reached kuantan at 10am, have lunch at EC MALL, Ms.Veg
of course i m stil looking for my formal clothes and i finally get them! thank you mum, bro and sis!:)

after that sing k for like 2 hours then went back home..
time is stil early, we decided to go play tennis
(huh...long time didnt exercise ad, tomorrow sure get pain here pain there) i talk to myself~~
"sky" is getting dark and we started our BBQ!

wow~ I LOVE BBQ! it gives warm and family gathering!:):)))
these are what vegetarian eat during BBQ....

we were talking and eating from 8pm to 3am..HAHAHA!!!
koko has a little bit drunk but he stil awake..
myself was feeling sleepy but stil want to join to talk talk talk:D:D:DDD

The next day, we searched several vegatarian restaurants for like 1 hour, BUT they are all fulled or closed either, because of "NINE KING UNCLE" most of the people are vegetarian for 9 days..:D
after lunch, we went to aee some sample houses which near my house>> FOREST AND HILL
it was SO NICE, SO BIG and MODERN!!! dream house!! JUST LIKE FULL HOUSE!!

ice lemon tea with lemongrass! the best drink for me ever!
2 "magaritta" pizzas and 1 salad at hyatt...enjoying the moment!:) BUT
the services are too low standard...telling without "excuse me" =.=

finally 5pm, we have to move because flight at 6.55pm
lying on bed and eating mushroom without notice the was 6.05pm
suppose to go airport at 5.45pm but we were late!! somemore it was traffic jam because of 10+ traffic light all the way!! grrrrr:@
luckily, we reached at 6.50pm, the ppl are just boarding:D hehe^^

thats how i celebrate my happy deepavali:P

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


so sorry to my econs lecturer...

Monday, October 12, 2009

sisters & brother gathering!<3

suppose to study for quizes and tests this weekend
but then i didnt do anything for my studies
cause sisters and brother came back from kuantan!!

have our pizza lunch at 4sis's house

chatting, watch movies...
during watching movie, she started to act again!
love her so much!!

tea time at LCCT-OLD TOWN around 4pm :D:D:D

exactly "HALF-BOILED EGG" Lol!!!

at night, attendded a very close friend with our family at hokkien restaurant
then ended up at 10pm
it's not too late for we continue to sing k at home until 12am

woke up at 9.30am went to library until 11am
ofcourse, we have shopping after that...
we went to 1u to look for my shoes and some other things..
but didnt get one cause sister said not nice:(

then went to eat ice cream
no more sesame ice cream for me again:(
so i ordered kickers (don't know what is that, but nice too!)

lastly, the scary mr.bean at TOY'R US shop

tired weekend but so happy!:)
5 jie, take care huh~!
see you next week!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

old times~:)

days to days
years to years
times really fly so fast!!

stil remember that i was in aus at yr2007
and it's now reaching end of yr2009 ad...
i was chatting with min this afternoon and i thought a lots of things when i was there... we did a lots of things together, went to sing k, worry of my metcard during take tram/train, eastcafe right after school.....more...
it's all our memories in aus..
and i told her i will be there very soon! i started to miss everyone so much so much!!
furthermore, i saw my friends' photos over there are so enjoy...!!
i hope i m one of the ppl in the photosss~~ BUT then it's impossible..

so, from today onwards, i tell myself, i have to finish my 1st yr SAM over here, and go to meet them after that!! cannot fail in any subjects, cannot redo!
if not, the distance to aus will be farer and farer....

these are the thing i have found in my drawer..
the every moment we had...:)

Friday, October 9, 2009

good thursday! :)

upload my self captured photos with my happy mood and happy faces on the Tshirt!

P.S: my very 1st time to take "so many" my camwhoring pictures ...HAHAHAHA!!